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Working at the Beer Store post

Working at the Beer Store

If you’re passionate and love a fast paced environment, then working at the Beer Store is for you!

Green before Green was cool post

Green before Green was cool

We’re very proud of our award-winning beer container return system!

Time-Tested, Beer-Lover Approved

Becoming experts on beer doesn’t happen overnight. We’ve been in business since 1927 and we’re owned by 30 Ontario-based brewers. The Beer Store employs 7,000 hard-working Ontarians with well-paying full and part-time jobs.

There’s no other team of beer experts who live and love all things beer as much as we do. We love beer as much as you — so you know we’ll always be dedicated to bringing you your favourite brands from brewers around the world and offer tips on how to enjoy them responsibly. As a customer, you can choose from more than 1000 beer brands, in over 440 retail stores, from 200 brewers around the world.

Facts and Figures

The Beer Store was established in 1927, which means we’ve been around longer than the Internet. And television. And a lot of other things (probably even you!).

Here’s something for the number crunchers to chew on: We operate over 440 retail stores, serve just under 18,000 licensed customers, 671 government-owned LCBO retail locations, 327 retail partners and LCO convenience stores, and 446 grocery stores selling beer/wine/cider.

Environmental Responsibility

Environmental Leadership

In October of 2019, the Four Billionth liquor container was returned to the Beer Store under the Bag It Back program — the highly successful deposit return program for wine, spirit and beer containers sold through LCBO and Ontario winery stores.

Since we’ve been in business, we’ve also kept approximately 166 billion beer containers from ending up in Ontario landfill sites. If you were to stretch all those bottles out, it would be about 59 trips to the moon and back.


Social Responsibility

We take corporate social responsibility seriously, and make sure that every beer we sell is a responsible sale — whether it’s through our WeID 25 program or refusing to sell to intoxicated customers. In 2018, we challenged and/or refused service to roughly 3,000,000 individuals at our retail locations.

We let brewers decide where they want to sell their product! Brewers can be in one store, 50 stores or all 440 locations of the Beer Store — it’s completely up to them.

In The News

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Statement from The Beer Store on Alcohol Imports in Ontario

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Beer Store locations will be closed for Family Day

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