At The Beer Store, we take great pride in being an active part of our communities. We believe that a bottle drive is the perfect way to raise funds, and we’re here to help! Start your Bottle Drive, collect empties, make a difference, and support your community.
Set your goal of how much money you want to raise for your Bottle Drive
Please contact your local Beer Store. Let the store know your goal and how many empties you plan to return. Find your nearest Beer Store here.
Book a date so that the staff knows when you’re coming
Feel free to stop by for cardboards cartons to help sort your empties
Closer to the time of your bottle drive, contact the store to:
Reconfirm your return date, time and location
If possible, advise the store of the amount of containers you expect to return
Organize your containers into their original packaging or using the cardboards cartons.
To speed up the returns, please sort empties by color and type.
Keep all cans together
Sort beer bottles by color
Separate wine and spirits bottles by clear and coloured glass
Separate tetra, plastic and other alcohol containers (bag-in-a-box)
Please refer to this guide. Guide for Better Returns
To help you with your bottle drive, we have created these helpful resources for you:
Guide to Better Returns (PDF) Beer Bottle and Can Count Sheet (PDF) ODRP Count Sheet (PDF)