

  • Generally, expect pickup once per week, this frequency may be either increased or decreased, depending on sales patterns.

  • Discuss with the supplying logistics site the need for additional pickups, they will take into consideration issues raised by you and will make final determination on any change in frequency.

  • Similarly, TBS may make recommendations to the Empty Bottle Dealer to decrease pickup frequency in the slower winter months. Reduction in frequency will not take place until the supplying logistics site has discussed these recommendations with you.

  • Pickup days will be established and communicated to you by your supplying logistics site.

  • A TBS representative will work with you to select a pickup time window that will support your operation and not interfere with your business.

Safe Delivery

To ensure a safe working environment for our crews, as well as your employee and customers, here are some safety guidelines to follow:

  • Free of parked vehicles or other obstacles that block access and as a result require delivery through unsafe conditions.

  • Nominal ruts, potholes, broken or loose asphalt.

  • Minimal broken or loose concrete or flooring.

  • Snow, garbage or other items not encroaching on minimum work areas, free of unexpected or excessively slippery conditions such as ice, grease, etc.

  • Maintain safe stack/pallets of empties for our employees to remove.

  • Lighting levels sufficient to enable staff to see obstacles and potentially unsafe conditions.

  • Doors, lights, etc. in safe working order.

  • Shelving, wall mounted items or piled goods should be secure and stable.